Saturday, October 8, 2011

Word. I is alive.

If you're anything like me (poor soul if you are), you might be an avoider.  

You have something to do that's going to take prolonged concentration and for a selective perfectionist, you don't want to do it until all your creative juices are at a peak, you're well-rested and without distraction AND picasa online is actually working.

Then you realize---oh, that never happens. 

Then you wait an entire month to do a new blog post because every day that you've waited means that much more to catch up on.


At the risk of sounding trite, I must resist the temptation to recount in every detail the last few weeks.  Some moments are left to float around in the memory stew I have a'bubblin' up in the old cranium.  It's all good, I plan to be here for a while so they can just simmer on.

As we continue in what will likely be the last year of graduate school, I feel a great tension within me.  Of course I am so looking forward to "real adult life," with more than 500 sq. feet to hang our hats, proper health insurance and an actual livable income.  Oh, and I can't say I'll miss having to bid adieu to Village soul sisters year in and year out.

That being said, I feel so content and at home in myself, my life, my community.  What a blessing it is, to enjoy an environment of supportive, intelligent, creative women (and men) who actually help one another in every day life.  It mirrors days of yore when parenthood was truly a cooperative, communal undertaking.  My tribe wants my babies to thrive and grow in goodness and much as I do, and they aren't afraid to co-mama with me.  Plus, girlfriends know how to have a good time.

EEK!!  I have very few recent pics of us!

What a blessing, to have a huge backyard and dozens of sibling-like playmates with whom my kiddies run and play and climb trees and ogle bugs and taste the sweet nectar of eternal childhood.  

I couldn't pick just one of these Mary and Jacob series, so I posted them all!

SO, bullet list:

*Jacob started his soccer season with Kevin as coach.  Guys, can I just say that there's not much sexier than a man who can snuggle a newborn and coach a kids' sport's team.  Just sayin'.  And BTW, their team is actually good for a bunch of 6 year olds.

*Our Catechesis of the Good Shepherd year kicked off here in the Village AND I'm running a session at out parish St. Matt's.  For those who don't know, Good Shepherd is a catechetical method based on the Montessori method of education and it is incredible.  It was begun by a woman, Sofia Cavaletti who passed away just this summer.  Using manipulatives and beautiful child-size materials that model the vessels and vestments in the church, materials to bring to life parables, narratives, moments in Jesus' life, scripture gestures and many other things, the atrium is a beautiful space prepared for the children allowing them the space to encounter God.  I'm so thankful to take part in it.

*I started a series of music appreciation/play classes.  I teach 3 back-to-back sessions once a week---one for newborns and pre-walkers, one for toddlers and one for older kids.  It's been so fun to dive back into my music love, especially in a realm where the participants just want someone with a jaunty personality, a stash of instruments and a slew of silly songs at command.  It's awesome.

*Okay, it's just bound to happen, but this is my boasting mama section so skip ahead if child pride glut might nauseate you.  :0)

I have felt so humbled of late by my Jacob.  His bright creative mind is always observing, soaking in, questioning, exploring and coming up with incredible questions.  At one in the same time he is rough and tumble, obsessed with knights and light sabers and battles and Spiderman.  Yet there is a strong vein of tenderness which allows him still to climb into my lap and cuddle, smother me with kisses and say I'm the most beautiful woman in the world.

He has a newfound love of praying the rosary, which has called Kev and I to get ourselves in gear to pray it most nights, largely led by Jacob himself.

Today's Jacobism of the day:  
The most important people in the world are construction workers and Jesus.  Because they build people's homes.

Kindergarten has been awesome for Jacob----he loves to go on the bus with Daddy and Clara in the morning and he' just thriving in the classroom.  Our little bibliophile is reading at more than a 4th grade level and LOVING his one-on-one sessions with the teachers.  My prayer is that we can find an affordable Montessori school wherever we go, as that seems to be the happy place for Jakers.

Ceci is just a little ball of personality.  She find such joy in everything, and woos us with her indefatigable energy which points to a deep well of curiosity and a great gift of awe.  She is a little chatty bird, quickly garnering her little sentences.  Some favorites are:
I want some, Mama.
I love you [Jacob, Daddy, Mommy, etc.]
I need wipe
Bye bye, see you laytah
I seeping. (sleeping) 

I love this stage because there's such rapid development going on in all areas and it's so fun to see her make connections.  For example, Jacob was reading to her one of our Green Eggs and Ham books and in the middle she disappeared to her room and came back with another copy that she had scoured the bookshelf for.  

She's obsessed with Goodnight Gorilla and quotes it several times a day.  Her favorite part is when the wife opens her eyes in surprise at finding her room full of animals.  Forgive the mess and my lazy end-of-day self.

Can I just say, with all the tough stuff of poopy buns and sleepless nights, I LOVE this Mama gig?  Seriously, right now I'm looking at my girl in a poofy pink tutu over a Notre Dame shirt-turned dress, sparkly ruffly silver knee socks and that adorable little tuckus sticking out.  CUTENESS!

Weight Watchers is going well.  I'm just shy of 20 pounds down, I've been working out daily and even toying with the idea of doing the Couch to 5k program.  We shall see!

Well, though I have many many more things to share, I'll leave off with a list of happenings and a photo dump.

We had a great visit with the Pillari, Dudley and Curtin fams in towns.  WE LOVE Y'ALL!!

Little Vincent Joseph Benvenuti was born about a month ago, and he is just pure cuteness!

We threw a surprise party for dear Sarah's 30th bday about a month ago.  It was a school dance theme and with the help of Sarah Elliot, we rocked out the decorations and made a kick bum play list.  It was a hecka good time.

The Marx fam came to visit a few times in the past weeks, and we have been ECSTATIC to see them.  Thems good people.

 I'll sign off for now, and I hope it's less than a month before I return!