Monday, September 17, 2012

Hashing It Out

I cannot BELIEVE I'm actually posting within a week of a previous post.  Kind of a big deal for this slacker blogger gal.

I've been ruminating on my writing of late;
what is the purpose of my blog?

Should I be disciplined and write at the same time each week, regardless of inspiriation?

Should I just go with the flow and write at scattered intervals, without regard to those who actually might want to read my silly wanderings?

Am I just here to share stories and pictures and help champion the cause of Chestertonian joy?  Am I okay with that?

 This is what I have so far:

This blog-a-diddy started out as a chance to stay in contact with our loved ones when we traveled to Israel for 4 months.  It's continued on and off without much momentum.

I will admit, it has been lovely to see people still read the blog.

I will admit, my silly self loves to see the far and wide readers, to see comments.

Is it just a pride thing?  Of course, being a self-centered human, that's certainly part of it, but what's even more important:  the beauty is being passed on.

 As someone who is slain by beauty daily, I want others to see how capable we are of partaking in said beauty on a daily basis, even when we're stuck in traffic or dealing with a 2 year old's tantrum, or missing friends from afar.

Does that mean my life is never a @#%$ storm of bad tempers, impatience, criticism and all things jabberwocky?


In fact, most of the time it's hard, it's a constant challenge to choose a positive reaction to my daily moments.  Most times I fall flat on my grumpy negative tush and refuse to open my heart to the goodness hiding under what seems like just a cesspool of laundry piles and to-do lists.

But it's there, and its inviting me to embrace the good with the bad.  And that's why I write.  To remind myself, to remind you, to feel not so alone in this whole in the world but not of the world business.

Writing Patterns
Okay, this has been my biggest issue.  I have a neurotic need to write things in a certain order, so instead of just writing if I get inspiration I think, "No, I can't post about that until I post about x, y, z and kumquat that happened weeks ago.  Because it has to be shared, and in the right order."

Who says?  Who says I can't just bust on about my incredible weekend of joy without having told you in great detail about the rest of our journey out here?  Who says I can't write about the Grand Canyon in the dead of January?

So, I'm going to go with a hybird approach.  If I get the urge to write at 5:00 on Tuesday evening and then again on Wednesday, I'll do it, write it, no matter what.

BUT, I WILL write a post every Sunday even if I'm not feelin' it.  It will have any combination of beauty sharing to kickstart the week:

Picture/piece of music/website/story/recipe/joke/etc.

Here's the invitation to you:  As you go through your week, keep your eyes and heart open to those things that call the beauty-train of your heart.  Email/call/facebook/snail mail me your snippets of the week and I'll post it along with mine for a fierce beauty-filled kick-start to the following week.

SO, here's my first offering:

Check it, and you'll fall in love with NYC if you're not already:

Music delicousity:

Well, the comfy bed calls, my darlings.    Adieu until....

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